How to Write a Geography Master’s Thesis Properly: a Tutorial for Dummies

Writing a geography thesis may seem very difficult for many students. However, this isn’t an impossible task. Many students are struggling with their papers, because they don’t know how to write them properly. If you want to learn how to structure a master’s thesis on geography, you should read this article.

  1. Make a title page.
  2. This is the first page of your paper. Here you should write the full name of your paper, for example: The nuances of city planning and social services developing. You should write your name, obviously. Add your university’s name and the date of submission.

  3. Write the acknowledgement.
  4. This page includes the names of people who assisted and helped you in writing your thesis on geography.

  5. Write the abstract.
  6. An abstract is a brief summation of your paper. Usually, it doesn’t consist of more than 150 words. You should write about the background of your topic, the goal of your research, methods you used in your study, and results you got.

  7. Make the table of contents.
  8. A table of contents is a page where you indicate all the chapters of your paper in the form of a list.

  9. Write the introduction.
  10. In your introduction you should indicate the reason for choosing your topic and its significance. The introduction should end with a thesis statement, a single sentence that sets the tone for the whole paper.

  11. Write the body.
  12. The body is the largest part of your paper. Here you should write about your research in details. The body should be divided into a few parts:

    • Review of the literature.
    • Your first body chapters should be about the books you used as a theoretical background for your work.

    • Methods.
    • In the following chapters you should list and describe the methods you used in your study. Explain why you chose these particular methods.

    • Your results.
    • Now you should tell about the results you got during your research using the chosen methodology.

  13. Write the conclusion.
  14. In the conclusion you should discuss the results of your research. Tell whether they met your expectations and indicate the significance of your work.

  15. Write the recommendations.
  16. You may also choose to write the recommendations on how to continue your research in the future.

  17. Write the bibliography.
  18. Here you should indicate all the sources you used to write your paper.

  19. Add the appendixes.
  20. You should place here all the additional materials that couldn’t be placed in the main parts of your paper, like graphs and tables.

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