Business Dissertation Formatting: Basic Rules For Creating A Strong Paper

Writing a dissertation is quite a challenging task for students across the globe. They need to find out a potential niche to address, create a winning topic, and look for relevant and valid data to include in the paper, use the right structure and follow the right format for their paper. This is critical because this paper will decide whether they qualify for their advanced level degree or not. Business studies are an interesting subject for those students who are passionate about it. They learn each aspect of running a business or being an employee in an organization. They learn about different ways to keep the efficiency and productivity of the labor and to motivate them. They realize the importance of investments and the risk factor in business environment. They learn the rules for healthy competition and strategy to become a market leader. They can calculate the profits, margins, losses, return on investment and predict the future trends and expenses in the business.

You can choose to talk about any of these subjects or even discuss the marketing end in your dissertation. The best way is to divide your subject into easy categories and choose the one that suits you the most. Suiting means that you need to pick that division or area which you are passionate about and have enough information to share. Use flow chart diagram or outline to divide your subject.

The format of your paper depends upon the style, qualification level and the instructions from your teacher. The standard structure of a business dissertation is as follows.

  • Introduction –present tense
  • Background of the study or literature analysis
  • The research question, thesis statement or prompt of the paper
  • Objectives of the research
  • Scope and further research of the paper
  • Assumptions or restrictions in the study
  • Significance of the paper as to why it is necessary and how it is better than the others already present are
  • Research methodology and style
  • Data collection and analysis- primary and secondary sources
  • Location of the company or industry you chose, why you chose it
  • Experimentation and case study
  • Result and data findings
  • Discussion and future applications
  • Appendix
  • Citations and references

Remember that this is only a standard outline for the dissertation format and it can vary with your instructor preferences.

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